
What is mean by guest blogging?

imagesThe term guest posting means “Someone who posts an article on a blog that is not their own. Their main purpose for doing so is getting backlinks to increase their own site’s search engine ranking.Guest blogging is, one of the powerful ways of building strong, high-quality relationships that may help you in multiple ways such as it will increase backlinks which will increase your own site ranking also.And also it will make you to build relationships.

some of the advantages of guest blogging:

*It act as a doorway to gaining status as an expert in your field.

*It will drive traffic to your site.

*It will help you to build relation ships around the world.

*It will increase your site’s backlinks.

*It will increase your credibility as your niche.

*It will help you to reach your post to new audiences.

disadvantages of guest blogging

*some of the guest bloggers write very poor post for your blog because that type of bloggers are write posts for don’t accept that type of guest bloggers.

*some bloggers posts  copied content to your blog which will make’s your blog to be hit by google penality, panda and google penguin.

Read:what is mean by google penguin?

Read:what is mean by google panda?

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Enjoy have a happy blogging.

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