
How to make your blog visitors to stay longer on your website/blog?

make your visitors stay longerIn this article we are going to discuss about how to make your blog visitor’s to stay longer time on your blog.If visitor of your blog stay long time on your blog,it means that the visitor’s like your website very much.Getting many people to visit your blog and keeping them on your blog once they find it on search engine is the two different things.In order to attract your blog’s reader’s/visitors,you need  to think about how to customize nice looking template for your site,content and tools that will be very helpful for readers.Ok let’s start,

Write quality content:

Always try  to post quality content with small explanation on your site,Because people didn’t like to read long paragraphs.The content you posted should be in unique and quality.The more interesting content of your blog the longer visitors stay on your web pages.So always try to write your post in short format.Focus on providing value and informative content rather than blatant advertising.

Add images to your post:

Add images that are more relevant to your post,so that the visitor’s can easily understood what the post is about.And also try to add video on your post,so that people can easily understood within few minutes.

Avoid external links:

Don’t use too much of hyperlink’s on your website as it will increase bounce rate of your site.Always  try to add hyperlinks like Akshay and not like “”.

Highlight important lines:

Highlight important sentences on your article ,so that visitors didn’t miss some main points of your articles.

Create a Widget to highlight your popular posts:

Highlight your best posts in popular post widget,so that people will find very easy to navigate on your site.

Create navigation that encourages browsing:

Develop Navigation that Encourages Browsing and Searching.Use a simple structure in your top navigation bar, and offer a sitemap for more detailed browsing. Make it easy to find your sitemap, frequently asked questions, and best of posts .

I think that this post will be very helpful to you.If you like this post,kindly give me +1 on google plus..

Enjoy,Have a happy blogging

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