
How to make your blog mobile friendly?

Hi all today ,we are going to discuss about how to make your website/blog mobile friendly.Now a days many peoples used to access internet via their mobile phones,tablets or any other small devices etc..And also many of your visitors visit your site in mobile browser.Actually a normal blog template takes lot of time to load on mobile phones.If the loading speed of your site takes much time,then visitors leave your blog suddenly..This will increase your bounce rate and also you are lossing your visitors gradually.So today we are going to see how to minimize this type of problems on your blog in future.Today i am going to share  one html codes to you,that will increase your blog speed on mobile.This code was not coded by me.All credits goes to gyms.Ok let's start,

How to make your blog to load faster on mobile phones:
step-1: login to your blogger dashboard>Tempate->Edit Html. and find the below line by pressing "ctrl+f"

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Ten paste this html code below  that line,

<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>

<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0' name='viewport'/>


<meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/>


and then click on save template..Thats are done,

Enjoy,have a happy blogging.

How to add meta tags to your site?

meta tagsIn this article we are going to discuss about what is mean by meta tags and how to add it to your blog,websites etc..One of the important part of site is meta tags.In order to get more visitors for your blog,you have to include meta tags on your site.Because google,yahoo,msn like sites read meta tags of site and then show it on search engine results.Adding meta tags is very important if you want to get some good traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,msn,bing etc,especially the meta description part is the most important one for every blog/site.Meta tags are tags that tell what is your site is about to search engines..Adding meta tags to your blog will makes the robots to index your site more accurately.An example of my site is shown below,

meta tags

In the above image,you will find the meta tags include in my site.

Ok let’s start,,

Adding meta tag to your blog:

1.) login in to your blogger dashboard>Template>Edit html as shown below,

template 1

2.)Here is the meta codes,

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>


DESCRIPTION HERE:enter your blog description
KEYWORDS:enter  the keywords of your blog
AUTHOR NAME:enter  the author's name.

3.)Add this code below ,



<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

4.)Click on save template..

That’s it..

Enjoy,have a happy blogging…

How to make your blog visitors to stay longer on your website/blog?

make your visitors stay longerIn this article we are going to discuss about how to make your blog visitor’s to stay longer time on your blog.If visitor of your blog stay long time on your blog,it means that the visitor’s like your website very much.Getting many people to visit your blog and keeping them on your blog once they find it on search engine is the two different things.In order to attract your blog’s reader’s/visitors,you need  to think about how to customize nice looking template for your site,content and tools that will be very helpful for readers.Ok let’s start,

Write quality content:

Always try  to post quality content with small explanation on your site,Because people didn’t like to read long paragraphs.The content you posted should be in unique and quality.The more interesting content of your blog the longer visitors stay on your web pages.So always try to write your post in short format.Focus on providing value and informative content rather than blatant advertising.

Add images to your post:

Add images that are more relevant to your post,so that the visitor’s can easily understood what the post is about.And also try to add video on your post,so that people can easily understood within few minutes.

Avoid external links:

Don’t use too much of hyperlink’s on your website as it will increase bounce rate of your site.Always  try to add hyperlinks like Akshay and not like “”.

Highlight important lines:

Highlight important sentences on your article ,so that visitors didn’t miss some main points of your articles.

Create a Widget to highlight your popular posts:

Highlight your best posts in popular post widget,so that people will find very easy to navigate on your site.

Create navigation that encourages browsing:

Develop Navigation that Encourages Browsing and Searching.Use a simple structure in your top navigation bar, and offer a sitemap for more detailed browsing. Make it easy to find your sitemap, frequently asked questions, and best of posts .

I think that this post will be very helpful to you.If you like this post,kindly give me +1 on google plus..

Enjoy,Have a happy blogging

How to create a professional looking About us page?

In this tutorial we are going to see how to create a professional about us page for your blog/website.About us page is the one of the most important elements on website.The audience visiting on your site have full rights to know about you.The about us/about me page must describes about you and your blog ,so that the visitors of your site can easily understood,what your site is about.Most of the people didn't know about importance of about us page.If you still don't know about about us page,i highly recommend you to create a about us page for your site as quick as possible.Ok let's start,

some of the tips for creating about us page:
In here i am going to tell you about do's and dont's on about us read carefully and create a stunning about us page for your blog/site.Ok let's start,

Make a plan
First of all make a plans of what needs to be written on your about us page.Try to write small paragraph that describing about your blog.
Note:Don't write a long paragraph about your blog,because people don't like to read long paragraphs.So try to write in small paragraph as possible.

Add a photo of you:
Add a small  profile picture of yours,and then start composing about yourself by following order,
*About you.
*About your blog.
*contact us.
About you:
write a small paragraph about you,so that visitors know who is behind this blog.

About your blog:
Write a small paragraph about your blog that describes,what your blog is about.Here you can let your readers know why your blog is different from others in the niche.

contact information:
many of the visitors of your blog would like to contact with that you can add your contact information like add your email in about us page,then add your name of social that visitor's of your site/blog can easily come in touch with you.

Use simple and clean English:
Allway's use simple english words,simple sentence  for your blog to be more descriptive.
Note:Double check your about us page,in order to avoid grammatical errors.

Use only passive voice:
Use only passive voice on your about us page to make it look more professional.
Atlast thank your reader's for visiting your blog..
I think that this post will be help full for you.If I've missed out anything important, please let me know so that my audience gets educated and lets me learn new things as well.
Enjoy,have a happy blogging.

some of the benefits when you write more posts a day?

Hi all,do you know posting more posts on a day will increase your crawl rate and visitors. In 2012, I started my blog but i am unable to post daily ,because i'm away from home (i,e) staying in my college hostel. I really felt bad about not updating it regularly,Luckily in November 2012 i start writing posts daily again with the help of my friend's laptop in my hostel.Now my blog's visitors was increasing day by day,this is because of posting many posts a day.From my experience ,i  learned that blogging more regularly has brought many visitors to my blog.Yes,its true.Because now a day's there are many bloggers around the world.According to survey,Each and every minute 6000 blog posts are published.In order to bring your blog's result in front of search engine results you have to post quality content in your site.Did you hear that 'Quality content is the king".It's really true.If you posts more content a day your page rank also increases gradually..Ok let's see some of the benefits of daily posting,

It increases your blog's crawl rate:
If you post many articles a day,it will really help to improve your seo strength. Everytime you publish your  post the crawler will crawl your blog and it was indexed in search engine results.If you posts many posts a day then crawler will crawl your website regularly.So try to post about 2 or 3 posts a day.So allway's give more priority to seo,to kick start your blog...

It increases visitors to your blog:
If you post fresh content daily then your  visitors also visit your blog daily.For example:Consider a newspaper,will you buy if the articles on the paper are same all the time..Probably not.Because you need new topics and content..If the newspaper updates more news items in it,gradually the readers also increases.Blog is also like that only.If you update your blog with fresh content daily,gradually the readers of your blog also Always try to post fresh content in your blog.

It increases your revenue:
If you posts many articles a day,the visitor's of your blog will also gradually increases.If you get more traffic on your blog,then your income via ads also Try to post daily.

It will increase alexa ang google page rank:
If you post many article a day,your alexa and  google page rank also gradually increase due to many visitors visiting on your blog..
I think now you have enough knowledge and reasons of updating more posts and content to your blog now. Hope you really make sure of it.
I think that this post will be helpful for you.If you have any doubt's feel free to contact us  via comments section...
Atlast have a nice day..Have a happy blogging...